EMERGENCY: Fight for Less Congestion, Cleaner Air, & Better Transit for NYC

Continue to make your voice heard and let your representatives in Albany and Washington know that we need congestion pricing NOW!

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Make your voice heard and let the governor and your representatives in Albany and Washington know that we need congestion pricing NOW!

NYC needs relief from gridlock, less pollution AND funding for the MTA. Congestion pricing is the only option that delivers all three. It must begin June 30 as planned. KEEP CALLING! Tell them that pulling the plug at the 11th hour cannot stand.

Know before you call:

  1. Find your representatives by filling out this page’s form. A call script will appear.
    • Governor Kathy Hochul: (518) 474-8390
    • Senator Chuck Schumer: (212) 486-4430
    • Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: (212) 688-6262
    • Rep. Hakeem Jeffries: (202) 225-5936
  2. Check out what your electeds have said on social media.
  3. Be kind but firm, remember the staffer on the phone is just the messenger.
  4. After selecting Click to Call Now, you should immediately receive an incoming call. Answer the call to be connected to each of your representatives.
  5. At the end of each phone message or conversation, hit star(*) to end the call & advance to the next call.
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