✅ Show your appreciation for Summer Streets – Tell DOT "thank you" for expanding Summer Streets this year. And while you’re at it, nudge them to go even bigger next year. It will take less than a minute, and you’ll be glad you did it. – LINK >
✅ Apply for a School Street – Are you a parent or teacher? Why not apply with DOT to use the street (aka public space) in front of your school on school days? More space for the students, less noise & air pollution, safer pick-up and drop-off...what's not to like? We'll even help you do it! – LINK >
✅ Volunteer in Riverside Park – If we've learned anything over the years, it's that weeding together builds community. Join your friends and neighbors to help remove invasive species from Riverside Park on Saturday, September 23 for National Public Lands Day. – LINK >