Support Universal Daylighting in New York City

Make your voice heard and let the City know that daylighting intersections across New York City make our streets safer.

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Daylighting is a safety measure designed to improve visibility for drivers and pedestrians by removing visual obstructions around intersections.

New York State Law 1202 mandates intersections are “daylit” to enhance pedestrian safety by preventing vehicles from “stopping, standing or parking within twenty feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.” This is a proven tool that improves visibility and reduces crashes by keeping intersection corners clear from obstructions.

Although New York State law mandates daylighting at all intersections, New York City currently disregards this law. In order for daylighting to be most effective, daylit spots need to be protected, to prevent drivers from illegally parking or standing in them. These physical treatments can include bollards, boulders, bike corrals, and other elements. Physically daylit intersections in New York City will contribute to safer, more livable neighborhoods for all residents.

For daylighting to be most effective, daylit spots need to be protected with physical treatments.

Throughout the city, Community Boards have been taking proactive steps, passing resolutions in support of daylighting. We now have a unique opportunity to make a difference on our streets. We urge you to write to the Mayor, the NYC Department of Transportation, your local council member, Speaker Adrienne Adams, and Chair Selvena Brooks-Powers asking them to support intersection daylighting in alignment with state law. Tell the city and your Council Member to prioritize safety over parking!

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